The Best Accessories for Your Piano

There’s been a resurgence in interest about pianos and piano playing recently. Part of that is due to famous musicians adding piano music to their songs, and being shown in music videos playing the instrument. In other cases, students are simply discovering the unsurpassed sound quality and sheer joy of playing.
As with any hobby, it’s the details that take enjoyment to a new level. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of exciting and innovative accessories for your piano – whether you play a free-standing piano or a portable keyboard. Here are some of the most popular considerations of piano players across the country:
Basic Amenities
Casters are essential to the stability of upright and grand pianos. They provide stability and mobility. Plus, casters give a finished look to any piano.
Another basic essential is, of course, a stool or bench. While chairs work in a pinch, its best to opt for the freedom of movement provided by these better selections. Stools and/or benches promote good posture and contribute to overall comfort while playing. Your skilled and qualified California piano movers will move all accessories along with your instrument, to ensure everything arrives together, safely, and in one piece.
Though not crucial to the function of your piano itself, a quality metronome helps you or your student keep the beat during practice. Similarly, a piano light illumines music, making it easier to see and play the correct notes.
Sound Improvements
If you play a free-standing piano (upright or grand), the basic equipment you need for optimum sound quality comes standard. When or if you need to play a mobile digital keyboard, investing in a sturdy pair of headphones is a good idea. Some players also spring for pedals and other accessories that help them get the most out of this option.
Don’t underestimate the value of piano lessons. Over time, all musicians have a tendency to get “rusty” and overlook fundamental best practices. In addition, it’s difficult to accurately learn how to play the piano without professional lessons. As you research how to move a piano and other important factors, consider the major benefits regular piano lessons can provide to you or your student.
Custom Comfort
As mentioned, a comfortable bench or stool is integral to a long-term commitment to the piano. Think about your favorite chair at home or at work. If that furniture weren’t available, how would it affect your performance or relaxation? The same is true when sitting down at the piano.
Cushioning should be a driving factor in your decision. Bench/stool cushions come in a variety of fabrics, colors, sizes, and thickness. Some experimentation might be necessary to find the perfect fit. A good place to start is by visiting your local music shop and physically sitting on the benches and stools to make the best selection.
Keep in mind that the comfort fix might not be in the seating, but in your instrument itself. Not all pianos work for all piano players. When you require a high-quality instrument delivered to your location safely and efficiently, it’s nice to know that professional Houston piano movers are on hand to serve you around the clock, every day of the year.
Essential Peace of Mind
In fact, the biggest accessory for your piano isn’t an accessory at all. It’s the location of the instrument. This provision is essential to the long-term care and quality of your piano. For example, pianos work best when kept away from direct sunlight. The instrument should be situated away from walls. Airflow is also very important.
For example, did you know that even the slightest change in temperature, or even minor jostling en-route to its destination could permanently damage a piano? That’s one of the many reasons why you can’t trust transport of this majestic instrument to just anyone. Instead, you need and deserve a piano moving company that keeps your best interests in mind.
Since 1935, Modern Piano Moving has built a solid reputation as the best piano movers in Indianapolis and throughout the country. International shipments can also be arranged. Best of all, our climate-controlled and security-monitored warehouses ensure your piano is always in responsible hands. Contact us today to learn how simple and straight-forward it is to move your pianos and all of its accessories.
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