Get Kids Interested in Piano Playing with These Tips

Playing and performing music is an activity that enriches anyone’s soul and helps make us more well-rounded people. Especially for children, mastering an instrument teaches focus, determination, dedication, and follow-through. These are all important skills they’ll need throughout life.
Still, there are times when kids resist or don’t see the wisdom in regular music practice. That’s when you must get creative to encourage children to continue. Helping kids find the fun and excitement in practicing and playing music is key to their long-term success. Here’s how to get started:
Set the Stage
As with many things in life, environment and mindset are key. That begins with finding a music teacher with whom your child connects. While credentials and expertise are important, the fact is that if kids don’t feel comfortable and welcomed around teachers, they simply won’t learn as well or may even resist trying to learn at all.
It’s a good idea to schedule a “trial lesson.” This helps both the music teacher and the child understand if they’ll work well with each other. You may have to schedule two or three sessions before either party can come to an accurate assessment.
Determine Clear Expectations
The old cliché says: “practices makes perfect.” Taking a halfway approach to music lessons sets children up for failure. That’s why it’s so important to clearly define what will be expected of kids if they hope to progress from one lesson to the next.
Along with scheduled practice time, you can tap into their naturally-competitive nature by making up fun games and challenges to accomplish. For instance, you might choose to create a reward if kids are able to play three (mostly) error-free songs in a week. Another idea is to create occasional “no practice weeks” for children who have demonstrated commitment and understanding of regular music practice.
Show Your Support
Kids like to know when they’re doing well. Along with prizes and rewards, they also gain satisfaction from regular praise. While most parents want to encourage autonomy, it’s okay to sit in on some lessons. You’ll need to gauge the personality and demeanor of individual children to determine if this would be a help or hindrance.
You might also consider taking piano lessons at the same time. Even if you’re a virtuoso, everyone can benefit from a brush-up. This shows children that learning never stops and that it’s important to stay committed to a chosen cause.
Place a Piano On-Site
While traveling to weekly piano lessons is beneficial, one way to ensure kids improve is by bringing the instrument to them. When children have easy access to a piano, they’re able to practice anytime. Speak with your child’s piano teacher about the best choices of instrument, then contact a piano delivery service that can bring a top-quality piano right to your home.
As a trusted and reputable piano moving company in business since 1935, we know the joy and satisfaction that comes from practicing and playing the piano. Proudly serving the contiguous United States (with arrangements available for delivery to Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, and internationally), our 24/7 operation is fully licensed and insured. Our full-time and highly-trained professionals are always glad to answer any questions you may have about the process.
Contact us today to learn more about how you can help your child discover true happiness through playing the piano.
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