Building a Better Music Room

Playing the piano is beautiful, therapeutic, rewarding… and, sometimes, pretty noisy.
While that’s often exactly what you want, sometimes—whether due to nearby neighbors or staggered sleep schedules—you want to keep those tunes in a sturdy, soundproof room. So, what do you do?
In today’s blog, we will be sharing a few simple soundproofing and music room improvement tips. Just read on!
Choose a prime location
Wondering where to base your music room—your piano, and any other accompanying gear and instruments you might have on hand?
Just like the old real estate adage goes—“location, location, location”—you’ll want to choose a prime spot for your room if you have the luxury of doing so. The ideal music room is, of course, as far removed from the hustle and bustle of your home (bedrooms, office, den, etc.) as possible. This will allow you or your young protégé to play night and day, with no worries of interrupting anyone.
When possible, it’s also smart to base your music room away from neighbors, if they live close by or you share a wall. That might mean putting your room in the interior of your home, away from exterior walls (this will also help a bit with keeping your piano protected from sunlight and changing temperatures).
Put barriers between the piano and the rest of your space
Generally speaking, the more “stuff,” or mass, separating your piano from its surroundings, the more muffled the sound will be. A thick, plush carpet can help with this, as can placing your piano in a nook or similar space that is protected (at least partially) by a wall. Of course, in the process, you don’t want to shove your piano into a corner where you’ll never really play or look at it. The key, much as it is with the music itself, is balance.
Soundproof your room
When all else fails, soundproofing your room can make it that much more enjoyable—both for the player, who can play to her heart’s content, and those outside as they read/study/work/talk, etc.
You can do so through the addition of special soundproofing panels (the same kinds you might find in recording studios or music classrooms at school). Don’t worry—far from drab gray and white alone, these panels can be found in fun interlocking shapes and a multitude of colors, so your practical step can be a stylish one, too. As you do this, you might consider laying down carpet (if it wasn’t there already) to create an even more insulated effect.
While you embark on this project, you will likely need to move your piano temporarily (whether it be downstairs to keep it out of the way, or to a new, temporary location altogether). Whatever your needs may be, Modern Piano will be there to help you along the way!
We hope that today’s blog has helped you find ways to spruce up your space… and prep it for endless piano playing fun. Be sure to call Modern Piano to see how we can help with moving and storing your piano during the process.