Back to School Lessons

It’s hard to believe summer is coming to an end and school is starting up again.
You may be thinking your free time is up and you won’t have time to practice piano- but that’s not always the case.
Whether you’re a teacher, student, or parent school time is actually a great way to get in tune with your musical touch.
In music class
Those of you with a passion for playing instruments will find this class period your favorite. For teachers, head to school with new music. Try picking songs kids have heard on the radio or already know how to sing, this will entice them to learn how to play.
And for kids, go to class ready to learn and have fun. Even if you’ve never played an instrument before you may learn to love the art and technique for the first time!
On the recess field
Sometimes when the weather is too hot, or cold kids will have recess in other areas like inside a room or under a pavilion. In most recent days, some schools are tech savvy and have iPads for kids to use or allow them to bring their own.
This opens new doors for kids to learn and interact in a new way. There are many apps that teach people how to play or practice an instrument, and while it doesn’t come close to the real thing, it still trains the mind into learning how to do something new.
At home
Once school is over there will be lots of homework for both students and teachers to partake in. Teachers must prepare for days ahead and students need to practice what they learned the day before.
Having a piano at home, or even a keyboard, will make it easier for kids to get better at playing the instrument they love. But don’t forget, kids will need help so this is the perfect time for parents to experience what playing the piano has to offer as well.
Going back to school can be about fun and games if you have the right mindset. Learning is all about trying new things and engaging in new experiences. Find out what you like, don’t like. What comes easy to you, and what you need more work on.
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