5 Gifts for Piano Lovers

‘Tis the season of gifts and joy!
As the holidays get closer, our minds start to wonder about what presents to give to friends and family. Here at Modern Piano, we’re fans of music and all things creative—especially pianos and piano music.
Therefore, we’ve put together a quick list of gift ideas that are fun, entertaining, memorable and useful for any of your piano loving friends! Read on to get inspired!
1. A Song Book
Although we can find sheet music online, it helps to have it one source that we can quickly look up. Whether it’s printed or in the form of an e-book, your pianist friend will love having quick access to popular music sheets. Try a few of our favorites including:
- Adult All-In-One Course: Lesson-Theory-Technic: Level 1 by Willard A. Palmer
- Hamilton-Easy Piano by Lin-Manuel Miranda
- The Disney Collection by Hal Leonard Corp.
- 100 of the Most Beautiful Piano Solos Ever by Hal Leonard Corp.
- Star Wars For Beginning Piano Solo by John Wiliams and Hal Leonard Corp.
2. A Ticket To See A Symphony
What better inspiration for your pianist friend than to see a symphonic orchestra perform? Thankfully, there are symphonies all around that perform classic musical and Broadway hits. But did you know that many are performing some of the latest pop culture films, video games, and TV shows, too? Film, television and video game scores have emerged the love for symphonic music again to current generations. Some popular events include:
- The Harry Potter Film Concert Series
- Video Games Live
- Game of Thrones Live
- Star Wars in Concert
Plus, you may find some pop culture tunes being performed by your local symphonic orchestras as well. Even more exciting, you can experience the entire film score world by taking a trip to Los Angeles and visit the Hollywood Bowl, where the LA Philharmonic will frequently play iconic film scores conducted by the world’s top film conductors, such as John Williams, David Newman, Danny Elfman and more! Not to mention the many film studios and museums in the area you can visit.
3. A Gift Certificate for a Piano Tuning Appointment
Pianos need tuning frequently but not all piano owners know how to tune a piano. Therefore, your friends may need frequent tuning services from a professional, which can become costly. Hence, they’ll love you for helping them out on their piano maintenance expenses. Who knows—they may give you a free piano show!
4. Headphones
Headphones are great when you want to play the piano but can’t let the music flow around the room. They may become even more helpful if your friends live in an apartment or share their living space with someone else. If you’re friend can use headphones with their piano or keyboard, some popular ones to consider include:
- Sony MDR7506
- Sennheiser HD-280 PRO
- AKG K 451
- Bose QuietComfort 25
- Yamaha Pro 500
5. Some Piano Lessons
Whether they’re beginners or advanced, it’s always helpful to learn skills and tricks from others. It’s always nice to be taught something new by someone else, especially if it’s a topic you enjoy.
We love helping others give the gift of music. No matter the instrument, music unites us all. If you’re gifting a musical instrument to friends and family this holiday season and need some transportation help, give us a call! We’re here to help you on all of your storage and moving needs for all musical instruments.
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